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5-Day Mindfulness Challenge

Day 5: Be

5-Day Mindfulness Challenge

Day 5: Be



Welcome to Day 5 of the Free to Be Online Class with your Breakthrough Coach, Sarah Haykel!

Acceptance is a powerful tool for letting go. Sometimes we want to fight what IS actually happening or true. However, when we can just relax and accept the moment as is, how does this make our lives, and that of others, easier and ultimately feel better?


Leave a Comment:

In the comments section below, leave a comment and let us know:

What’s possible when you accept what’s happening in the moment?

How can this change a potentially awful situation into an empowering one?

Your comments matter to us and we read them, so go ahead and leave a comment below in the comments section. It adds to the community and gets others thinking and commenting too!

Thanks in advance!



Day 1: Connect

Day 2: Notice

Day 3: Inquire

Day 4: Accept

Day 5: Be

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Looking for more?

Dive deeper and hone your mindfulness skills more, so you can live the joy-filled life you’re dreaming of, by taking the Free To Be Online Course.