Hi All!
I’m excited to announce that my twin sister, our friend Kathleen, and I are embarking on a Song Challenge together starting TODAY!
Click here to listen to the first song of the 7 day challenge.
What is a “Song Challenge,” you might be asking?
It’s an opportunity for you and me to share our creative genius and Sourceful Channels of songs that are constantly coming through us!
I believe that each human being is a unique channel for inspiration and energy coming from the universe, or you may call it God, Allah, Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Great Creator, etc., etc. Since we’re all unique, unique expressions of this Source come through us!
The “Song Challenge” is a way to share this gift without letting to much time or “business” in our lives get in the way of being creative and sharing it with the world!
Enjoy this 7 Day Song Challenge #2!!!
And stay tuned, there will be info on how YOU can join us for the next one in a few months!
Enjoy the first song of this 7 Day Challenge by clicking here now!
Love, Sarah