Valentine’s Workshop for Couples: Sway the Night Away!
Sway the Night Away! A chance to slow down and spend some quality, romantic time with your partner on the dance floor.
Literally learn how to sway with your partner on the dance floor in a synchronistic, intentional and fun way through easy dance moves and connection exercises. What you’ll learn is designed to give you a greater feeling of connection and confidence within yourself, with your partner and with life around you.
This workshop will include partner dancing techniques and moves, partner movement exercises, and mindfulness and life coaching skills for you and your partner.
Friday, February 14th
6:30 – 8 PM
$66 per couple
Elmwood Commons Room 207, second floor
3200 Elmwood Ave., Tonawanda, NY 14217
Additional Information:
If you are signing up for two (2) people, you only need to purchase one (1) ticket for this event as it is priced per couple.
We will follow all current CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 to keep ourselves and each other safe and by signing up, you agree to do the same. Thank you.
Class passes are non-refundable and non-transferable once purchased.
By purchasing this Dance Class Pass, you and your dance partner agree to the following:
Dance and body movement are physical activities. You agree that you are engaging at your own risk and ability. You are responsible for your own health, safety and wellbeing while engaging in this dance and life coaching workshop held by Sarah Haykel and/or Love Is Real LLC. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Love Is Real LLC and Sarah E. Haykel in addition to any location, any other instructors, or anyone else assisting with or volunteering for this class or event for any liability for damage or claims for damage for personal or physical injury, harm, death, or loss or damage to your personal goods or supplies while engaging in this dance workshop and/or consuming food or beverages available as a part of this dance and life coaching workshop with Sarah Haykel and Love Is Real LLC. You agree to follow all current COVID protocol in the State of New York and Erie County while engaging in these classes. By registering for this class, you agree to these terms and conditions.
When you register for a class, event or workshop, you will automatically be added to our email list to receive information for this purchase as well as to hear more about our services. Though you can unsubscribe at any time, we encourage you to remain subscribed until your course, class or event are finished, then unsubscribe, if you no longer wish to receive our emails. If you unsubscribe early, you may miss important emails for the item you purchased. Pictures and Video may be taken of our classes or events. By registering for a class, workshop, event or otherwise, you give us your full permission to use any photos and videos taken for promotional use. Thank you for joining us!