Eye of the tiger

I don’t even know what that statement means: “Eye of the tiger”

Anyways, a keen eye, really looking for what is there.  THings can get so mushy and unclear, so muddled and funky.  What happens when a room full of unconscious people get together?  More consciousness, more clarity?  More of the same old funkiness?  More funkiness?  

I try to be a clear space, it gets muddled up sometimes.  I want to be spacious even in the worst, most challenging situations, where I am here, centered in my body, positioned right inside myself so I am powerful.  Hmmm, and a memory of Maui flashes across my mind: sitting at a little sea side tapas place that my ex-husband and I found and revisited several more times.  Evening, sun set, yellow on the horizon bouncing off of the darkening waves outside.  Air salty, sea breeze blowing in through the open windows.  Sitting at a high top on tall bar chairs looking at the menu, looking outside, smiling, enjoying. 

How can I be more spacious even when I am really triggered?  How can I notice more of what is needed, what is going on around me when there is a lot of “seeming” pressure to perform, to do something a certain way?

I remember Eckhart Tolle talking about: “You have three choices: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.

Ahhh, freedom, choice.  There is POWER in this!  

How can I choose this when things around me seem to be falling apart?  How is my reaction actually fueling the fire of the situation burning already?  How can I be neutral in the face of intense energy?  And WHAT could be beneficial about clarity on any or all of these things?

What do you think reader, how can you be peace in the face of chaos and destruction?  And what would be beneficial about this?

Peace be with us all, Sarah 

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