“I give myself permission to mess up, to make mistakes and to be messy and I invite you to give yourselves permission to mess up and make mistakes. That’s where all the learning is!” I said to a small group of 7th graders in a dance class at a private school in the city.
As I looked around the room at this group, dressed in school uniforms, well groomed, eyes sparkling and shining with fierce youth and the burgeoning wave of adulthood upon them, I could feel the energy of the room shift. My hair stood up on the back of my neck and arms and I knew I was saying something they may never have heard before. Gosh, I don’t hear this too often either, even from my own self!
When I remembered in that moment that I could give myself permission to mess up, to try something new and NOT do it perfectly, I realized how much fun life could be, how much fun new experiences could be.
I felt everyone’s energy drop and relax. We were smiling and enjoying ourselves. We learned the move easily and with laughter and encouragement.
The moment I give myself permission to fuck up, I am free.
What could life be like if you were to love yourself anyways, whether you did it “right” or not?
Leave your comments below.
Here’s to messing up, making mistakes, learning, living and loving ourselves whether we do it “right” or just do it!
Love, Sarah
I’ve “fucked up” so much in this life pretty sure I have at least a master’s degree, if not a PhD from the school of hard knocks. What a beautiful message to impart upon our youth, that not only is it ok to mess up, it is vital for true learning and growth. Failure builds character, and when empowered we can actually become more loving beings through the process. You’re an awesome coach Salsa Sarah!
Awe, yes, Sean, “Failure builds character, and when empowered we can actually become more loving beings through the process.” I especially like “become more loving beings”. It is in accepting ourselves, myself just as we are, I am, that true freedom exists. There is no need to be anything else, any different. I love it! In the moment, moment to moment.
Thank you so much for your comment here too! I appreciate it.
Much Aloha, Sarah
beautiful message, Sarah. reminds me to let go and that I don’t have to be perfect all the time.
I am happy you received this! It is SO important and your message is a reminder to me in this moment! “Let go…all the time.”
🙂 Much Love, Sarah