Grandma Julia’s Got My Back

I see a circle of my ancestors cheering me on.  They are saying, “Go, Go, Let Go,” with eager smiles on their faces full of excited anticipation and warmth.  They want this for me so much!  They are so happy for me.  We thank and give honor to each other.  I can’t believe it.  Opening, warm, golden light ball coming up from my throat.  I try to speak, it escapes, I thought I might cry, no tears, only opening, this opening in my throat.  Do you know what I mean?  It’s like a yawn, but not a yawn for sleeping, a yawn for opening, awakening.  Opening, awakening, healing, clearing.  A special yawn.

I awoke one night this year in the bedroom of my youth to a warm presence by the rocking chair of my other Great Grandmother Sithe (spelling ?).  I knew it was Grandma Julia.  She was there, just watching over me and making sure I knew she was with me.

Thank you Grandma Julia, I didn’t feel scared at all by your presence.  It was like a warmth glowing over there.  Safe, protecting, and love full.  Thank you Grandma Julia.

I find ALL my ancestors have my back.  They want this more for me than I do because they can see where I am heading, they know the riches, the warmth, the goodness.  They are SO PROUD of me and I am SO THANKFUL for them!

How do you honor those who have brought you to this very sacred place in your life?

How do your ancestors fuel your forward movement, motion?

And what do you think about those to come?  What do you want for them?

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