More clarity has come about my inquiry from last night after reading a dear friend and amazing professional dancer and choreographer’s reply to the previous post “Learning how to dance”.
There is an inquiry about Life and how “building a solid foundation” while learning a specific style of dance relates to having the tools and wherewithal to live a rich and fulfilling life, which includes being fully self expressed.
So, what IS this strong foundation in dance when techniques and styles can change and there are so many DIFFERENT WAYS of doing things “properly” from dance to dance?
And how DO we learn to be that space where pure Spirit and Source can come through us and express fully, purely, in a way that serves all?
Is technique and foundation necessary for this to happen or is it being open enough to trust and flow with what we are feeling wants to be expressed through us in the moment and express that?
OK, so it is even MORE clear now.
Is it learning technique and foundation first or is it being an open channel to pure possibility and Source’s expression, then learning the technique and foundation to support that expression? Paola Blanton, an international researcher and teacher of Spiritual dance, says:
” It’s neither, in my opinion. Instead of one first and the other second, I tend to think of the true objective as being the development of a lifelong dialogue between the two forces – Technique/Discipline/Form and Creativity/Instinct/Insight. They can’t really exist without each other. The better our technique the farther we can reach with our creativity. The more creative we get, the more solid our technique becomes, allowing technique to be internalized so seamlessly that it is no longer an issue. Like any other language is internalized – we arrive at not really having to think too much about the language we are fluent in; certain scaffolds with time fall away and we are free to be poetic.”
I see now that technical proficiency on the dance floor can absolutely support someone’s personal expression being fully realized. It is like learning how to swim before deciding to swim across the English Channel, for instance. To reverse the order could be suicide.
Some say it may be “in the blood”. I believe it is a natural inclination towards something combined with YEARS of proper training, technique practice, possibly culture, and LOVE that fuel the best dancers out there! Technique supports personal expression to the fullest.
What lights you up, brings you alive, gets you going?
What steps can you take to fully manifest your potentials in this area of your life?
When will you start?
It’s neither, in my opinion. Instead of one first and the other second, I tend to think of the true objective as being the development of a lifelong dialogue between the two forces – Technique/Discipline/Form and Creativity/Instinct/Insight. They can’t really exist without each other. The better our technique the farther we can reach with our creativity. The more creative we get, the more solid our technique becomes, allowing technique to be internalized so seamlessly that it is no longer an issue. Like any other language is internalized – we arrive at not really having to think too much about the language we are fluent in; certain scaffolds with time fall away and we are free to be poetic.
Mmmm, I love how you say this Paola: “…certain scaffolds with time fall away and we are free to be poetic.”
I really FELT that in my body when I read it. I think you just named the ultimate goal: to be Free to Be who we really are!
Thank you for naming this so beautifully!
Aloha, Sarah
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance! 🙂