My Sister=Brave

Last night, my twin sister helped me be brave.  She walked right over to a friend of ours, who is passing on from this life to the next, and sat next to him.  She put her hands on him and talked with him.  I didn’t feel so comfortable with this at first.  I noticed I felt scared and not sure of how to interact with him.  Seeing her behavior and her comfort in connecting with him in that way gave me the courage to do so as well.  I want to thank you Laura Aiisha for showing me how to be love and be compassion and be real in the face of transition.

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  1. sjkennedy72

    Your sister showed you just how loving and compassionate and real you are.

    • Sarah

      True dat Sean, thank you for the reflection and thanks for your posts! I really appreciate the feedback and interaction! Aloha

      • sjkennedy72

        I know how it is as an active blogger, every time I get a comment from a reader it feels like a “treat.” :_)

  2. Susan Eleanor

    YES!! Love the experiences we attract in this way! So nutritious and ultimately reflective of where we are! <3


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