Conversations with Sarah Haykel: Jorge “Ataca” Burgos from Island Touch Dance Academy

Welcome to this inspirational interview with Jorge “Ataca” Burgos, Co-Owner and Artistic Director of Island Touch Dance.

Jorge and his partner, Tanja, as well as their DJ El Tiguere are well sought out Latin dance instructors and performers, spreading their love of Latin dance throughout the world.  They’re most specifically known for their Bachata dancing, one of the freshest partner dances world wide!

Listen to this interview now by watching the video below or clicking here.

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  1. Laura

    Another SUPER inspiring interview! GIVE THANKS Sarah for stepping up and SHOWING UP! I love what you are bringing alive through these conversations.

    GO GIRL!!


    • sarahhaykel

      Laura, thank you so much for commenting here! I am INSPIRED by your comment 🙂 I love you!

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