Cuban Style Casino & Rueda de Casino Salsa Dance Classes Tuesdays, July 16th – August 6th, 6:30 – 8pm 4-WEEK SESSION: $99 per person for four classes, which includes 1-hour of instruction, including Afro-Cuban body movement, casino salsa steps warm up,...
Beginner to Adv.-Beg. Group Latin Partner Dance Classes 4-WEEK SESSION: $135 per person for three, 2-hour classes (six hours of dance instruction total). You must pay in full for the session. Mondays, February 24th – March 10th, 7-9pm. Three classes, 2 hours...
Valentine’s Workshop for Couples: Sway the Night Away! Sway the Night Away! A chance to slow down and spend some quality, romantic time with your partner on the dance floor. Literally learn how to sway with your partner on the dance floor in a synchronistic,...
Beginner to Advanced-Beginner Group Salsa Partner Dance Classes Mondays, Sept 16th – October 7th, 7-8:30pm 4-WEEK SESSION: $130 per person for six hours of instruction. North Presbyterian Church, Williamsville, N.Y. Details will be sent via email once...
“Can I use the word “sex” when I’m teaching these high school students,” I thought the day of the event, “or will the teachers kill me!” Last night, I stood in a high school cafeteria teaching 80 teenagers. Laughter, movement,...
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