How’s it going on the dance floor? I know, there are some misconceptions about what makes a great dancer. Some people think it’s flashy moves done well or not. Some think it’s fantastic styling, so they take all the styling lessons they can (like I...
Fierce Tough Sexy Sensual On Fiyah Floored Love Grasping Holding on No more Free as a bird Reckless abandon Kissing trees Hugging please I have a choice So do you You want it more? I do too. See you on the flip side Where dancing happens now All around the world...
Working with Seniors is a transformational joy! A few years ago, I was driving by a residential building for elders and thought, “I’d like to spend some time with the elders in our community.” A couple years later, I had my first event: The History...
“Relax Deeply, Dream Big, Believe with ALL your Heart” are the words on the tall cream colored coffee mug I bought at the dollar store last year after I returned from Cuba. The Padrino communicated that the Spirits told him I could offer a cup of water in...
*Abram, where have you been all my life???!!! “Living mine,” he said. I entered the premises and had trouble finding the door in to this facility where aged people live out the rest of their lives. I was there to teach a dance/movement class. I had no idea...
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