Learning to Love You! Learn to love yourself in this Welcoming God Workshop with Sarah Haykel Upcoming Workshop Dates TBD You may be asking yourself: “What is self-love? What does that even mean, look like, sound like, feel like? I don’t know.” You...
Want More Peace, Trust and Faith in Life? Here’s a Simple Answer “Rest in God.” You might be saying to yourself, “But, I don’t believe in “God.” What IS God anyways? What do I believe?” If this is you, just insert whatever you do believe in for the word “God.”...
OMG, when I say to you that this book changed my life, it really did! Several years ago, a young man I taught Latin dance to gave me a book to read by Lee Carroll. It was a Kryon parable. Little did I know what Kryon was or the impact this one book would have...
We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. – 1 John 4:16 In 2014, I spent a little bit of time with a man who believed in Jesus. I mean, he was a full on...
I Breathe I Connect to my Higher Power: HP is with me ALL the time walking side by side with me! I Listen and Respond. I Trust Inner Guidance: I do what my body and mind together, with HP’s guidance say to do! I TRUST THIS! I Am Honest I Courageously Choose what I...
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