Fierce Tough Sexy Sensual On Fiyah Floored Love Grasping Holding on No more Free as a bird Reckless abandon Kissing trees Hugging please I have a choice So do you You want it more? I do too. See you on the flip side Where dancing happens now All around the world...
Working with Seniors is a transformational joy! A few years ago, I was driving by a residential building for elders and thought, “I’d like to spend some time with the elders in our community.” A couple years later, I had my first event: The History...
*Abram, where have you been all my life???!!! “Living mine,” he said. I entered the premises and had trouble finding the door in to this facility where aged people live out the rest of their lives. I was there to teach a dance/movement class. I had no idea...
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