House Made of Dawn
When I was 19 years old, I took a semester off from college and lived in Santa Cruz, CA. for a few months.
While out there, I took a class in Native American Prose and Poetry, at the local community college, with a great professor, Stan Rushworth.
One of our required readings was a book that would change me deeply, because of how deeply it touched me, called “House Made of Dawn,” by N. Scott Momady. This was Momaday’s first book, and won the famed Pulitzer Prize award the year it came out.
It’s written in the traditional Native American prose style of piecing together a story, with many different parts that jump around in time frames. It left me weeping at the end.
It’s a story about hope, healing and finding redemption when all else seems lost.
I hope it touches you this deeply too.
Go here to get your own copy of House Made of Dawn.
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