My twin sister just sang me a little bit of Alicia Key’s new song “Listen to My Heart” and I said, we could create a song like that, so we started spittin’ some rhymes on the corner of Elmwood and Trinity Place. Then I heard this stuff going through my head when I got into the car and decided to record it! Enjoy 🙂
What is one specific instance where you listened to your heart and what happened when you did?
Post your comments below! I want to hear all about it.
Love, Sarah
I boarded a train to the high desert of Arizona and spent 3 weeks out there in reflection and introspection, returned home with a shift in consciousness. Now these “shifts” have less to do with a requirement for travel, although I do love to explore new places. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!
Yes, I Sean! How was your trip? Sounds amazing! Sarah