Leading and Guiding

There is a difference between leading and guiding.

Leading is when someone or others are following someone or something else.

I think of a beautiful metaphor of dancers.  There is one leader and one follower.  The leader is giving the energy they need to the follower in order for the follower to receive the signals and energy that they need to follow the leader.  It is a beautiful flow of energy, much like waves washing up, in and out of a shore.  It is beautiful when both people are open to the magical space created by this leading and following ritual.

Then there is guiding.  Guiding is a whole different story.


Need some inspiration?

Listen to the new song, Parachute, and feel inspired and moved by GOD'S Presence in our lives (whatever you perceive GOD to be)!

When someone is being guided, they know where they want to go and the guide supports them in getting there.  Or maybe they don’t know where they want to go, however, the guide acts as a support system in guiding a person to the best place possible for them in that moment.

I think about the subtleties of this in coaching.  When I see something the client may not be awakened to and I pose a question that “leads” them into this knowing, am I guiding them or leading them?

What do you think?

What does your inner guide have to say to you right now?

p.s. Check out the original, inspiring music by Song Channel Music, that’s me, here.  

p.p.s Get the Free to Be ebook, plus weekly content to inspire, uplift and empower your journey, all *free*.  Click here. 

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  1. Donna

    My inner Guru is saying it is a dance between the two. Take a yoga class for example : You lead by giving the example and guide offering modifications, giving verbal prompts, encouragement.

    • Sarah Haykel

      Donna, thank you so much for sharing. Yes, I love this idea that is is a “dance between the two.” And, I LOVE that you’re hearing your “Inner Guru” say that. Thanks again!


  2. Dale

    Not sure if I got the whole concept of it all,but it did shed some light on my thoughts of leading an guiding. For years I would pray, an in my prayer there is a lead me an guide me,an never new the difference between the two until now, so for that I am very thankful. Bless you for that.. I’ll always remember it.

    • Sarah Haykel

      Thank you for commenting Dale. I’m happy you got something out of this! Take care, Sarah

  3. Ugochi

    I actually woke up this morning to the HolySpirit talking to me about the difference between leading and guiding.I never knew there was a difference or ever even bothered to think there was one.He gave me the difference and I just came online to check it out only to find your post and it is almost same with what he gave me.Thank you Sarah for sharing.Now when I ask him to lead me and guide me,I have an exact expectation.Thanks again

    • Sarah Haykel

      You are so welcome. I’m happy it was helpful and inspirational to you. Your post was to me! God Bless and take care

    • Betty A

      Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate it. God is amazing!
      This was just reveled to me. I wanted to understand the difference and googled leading vs guiding. I saw Sarah’s post and decided to read comments and saw yours and I immediately got my answer.

      You never know when God is using you. Thank you for being obedient.

      • Sarah Haykel

        So great Betty! Amen Hallelujah!




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