Do you “know your worth?” In 2010-2011 I took an online empowerment course called Feminine Power where they talked about our value and our worth. They'd say, "your value and worth are inherent in your being." I'd never heard such a thing...
Sarah Haykel, Song Channel, Singing on The Variety Club Telethon March 6, 2022
Singing LIVE March 6th! I got an awesome opportunity through the Hispanic Heritage Council to sing "Know Your Worth," the upcoming song that'll be released shortly, for the Variety Kids Telethon tomorrow Sunday! If you don't know about it,...
New Release from Song Channel Music: Christmas Time Christmas Song
Christmas Time - New Release from Song Channel Listen to Christmas Time below Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to check out this new holiday song. A few years ago I heard this song pop into my head and I instantly thought of Jason...
It’s Who You Are
It's Who You Are Listen to the new song now. Click here! Nearly two years ago, I started recording a series of songs that have come to me and through me over the past 12 years, or so. I hired musicians, booked time at a studio and did all...
What Have I Got to Lose?
What Have I Got To Lose? "What Have I Got to Lose?" is a song that came through a groovy reggae bass line I'd heard in a dream the morning of March 31st, 2020. I wanted to create a song from this bass line and ended up singing out...
New Song from Sarah Haykel “I’m Ready” Releases on Wed. Dec. 14th at 12pm EST
What's Up Website Community! This may come as a surprise to some of you, who may be thinking, "What else does Sarah do?" It's been over eight years that I've been getting "sound downloads," I say, from Source and song inspirations that come through...