No Bad Parts and the Importance of the Internal Family Systems Model Dear Reader, When I started my healing journey decades ago, I always thought I would "get there," ie. be done with the triggers, feel good again all the time, feel safe and...

No Bad Parts and the Importance of the Internal Family Systems Model Dear Reader, When I started my healing journey decades ago, I always thought I would "get there," ie. be done with the triggers, feel good again all the time, feel safe and...
Becoming What We Already Are by Keith Kristich, Christian Contemplative Hey, A community member, Keith Kristich, who is a leader in the Christian Contemplative movement, wrote a blog post that I really enjoyed. It speaks to the truth of who...
Today's sustainable living resource is all about composting. Now, truth be told, I don’t compost at home and I don’t have all the information you’d ever need to know about how to compost, but I’ve included a link below to give you all the...
Today's sustainable living resource is all about using toilet paper and paper products. When I was in college, I became aware that some people use a lot more toilet paper than others, when using the bathroom! It never occurred to me...
Have you ever bought clothing second hand? I know this might have a stigma attached to it: second hand shopping. However, I’ve been thrifting, on and off, since high school. I’ve found some great clothes at thrift and second hand stores,...
Reuse your old clothes as wipes Now, this may seem like a no brainer, but seriously, what do you do with that old tank top, those old leggings, that old shirt or pants that have finally kicked the bucket? You know the ones: they’ve...
Sustainable Living Resource 1: Bar Soap Anyone? Do you like bars? I don’t mean the kind you go and drink at. I mean, bars of soap! Remember those?! What happened to bar soap? I mean, these days it seems like the rage is buying...
Everything is figureoutable Back around 2014, I decided to invest in Marie Forleo’s online business training for entrepreneurs, B School. Although I learned a lot about how to create a more successful online and in person business,...
Trusting the Flow of Life For over nearly thirteen years, I focused on growing a business and being financially free. And, although creating a business and a living is essentially a creative endeavor, it's not the same to me as being an artist...
We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. - 1 John 4:16 In 2014, I spent a little bit of time with a man who believed in Jesus. I mean, he was a...