Grace and Les Miserables

Grace and Les Miserables

I must be one of a select few that has never witnessed or watched the whole of Les Miserables until the day after Christmas this week in a warm, packed movie theater in Western N.Y. sitting in between a very good friend and her sister-in-law at the top row of a...
How can I open my heart today?

How can I open my heart today?

My family and I sat together watching the animated version of Disney’s, A Christmas Carol, when I was struck by an awareness around giving and receiving love. Upon walking into the house of his nephew, Scrooge hears his nephew telling the “joke”...
Peace and Nature

Peace and Nature

There is something about peace and nature. Last night, after I sat with my family watching and listening to the prayer service in Connecticut after the shooting, my niece noticed a group of deer walking through our yard to our neighbors. “Look at all the deer...
Fizzling Star

Fizzling Star

I drove up the street lined with frosted cars.  Street lamps glowed yellow against the black sky and Christmas lights shone bright in flashes of color on this and that side of the street. I pulled up slowly to the house, preparing to make the turn when I looked ahead...