breath into it

breath into it

I had several moments tonight to stop, take a breath, breath into it.  I used to be scared of breathing into it when it was something I perceived as “bad” or harmful to me.  I would hold my breath driving by cemeteries and I still find myself holding when...
Do more, be less

Do more, be less

“Feel it, BE it,” she said to me as I felt the energy of what was coming through her towards me.”I am trying,” is the voice that comes through inside me now, little, small, straining as if air is tight in the chest.Be more, feel it.  “How...
Getting Grounded

Getting Grounded

And I don’t mean because you’ve done anything wrong. I listened to an Access Consciousness call today that I am enrolled in.  It is pretty wild stuff.  Massive clearings of all kinds of things that are from you and others and past lifetimes, etc., etc. I...


I am tired.I partook in a ropes course today with work mates.  It was our early holiday party.  It was AWESOME!When I got home, after carrying heavy bags into the house and getting ready for an event tonight, my shoulder suddenly went tweaky.”Ooo, ouch, what is...


Today I was sitting in the kitchen listening to my mom and sister talk about coffee.I wanted to say something cheeky like, “You are so into your coffee.  Why are people so into coffee?”  An obvious judgment present from this mostly tea drinker.Then I...