Words from a mug

Words from a mug

“Relax Deeply, Dream Big, Believe with ALL your Heart” are the words on the tall cream colored coffee mug I bought at the dollar store last year after I returned from Cuba.  The Padrino communicated that the Spirits told him I could offer a cup of water in...
Warmth of a friend

Warmth of a friend

An old friend called me tonight.  It has been a while as time usually goes by: one, two or three months, sometimes more, before we talk again.I forget about my good, old friends sometimes.  I get so wrapped up in my day to day life.  The other day I was watching Rick...
Keep moving on

Keep moving on

Knowing when the time is to move on, change positions, resolve a conflict, talk to someone, is a gift. I know that there are two situations this past year where I knew it was time to move on and I didn’t.  I stayed until it was OBVIOUS that is wasn’t...
Eye of the tiger

Eye of the tiger

I don’t even know what that statement means: “Eye of the tiger”Anyways, a keen eye, really looking for what is there.  THings can get so mushy and unclear, so muddled and funky.  What happens when a room full of unconscious people get together?  More...
Eye of the tiger

Grandma Julia’s Got My Back

I see a circle of my ancestors cheering me on.  They are saying, “Go, Go, Let Go,” with eager smiles on their faces full of excited anticipation and warmth.  They want this for me so much!  They are so happy for me.  We thank and give honor to each other....